My father’s job relocated him every four to six years. Of course, when this happened, his family had to relocate too. This made for an interesting childhood. My experience and perception of moving was usually ensconced in excitement; New house, new room, new school, new places to explore. Moving was an adventure for me. Although there were a few tiny traumas associated with the relocation experience, it was mostly a personal positive experience. It also laid the groundwork for how I adapted to change as I moved into adulthood.
In contrast, my wife was a foster child from the age of four. Relocation for her typically involved an adult unexpectedly handing her a garbage bag and telling her to pack because she was going to a new home. This shaped her perception of change as traumatic, uncertain, and profoundly horrifying. For her, there was trepidation of the unknown. As a result, abrupt change among complete strangers wasn’t something that was readily welcomed as she moved through life.

My point to these two stories is that our perception and management of change can vary extensively from person to person. These perceptions are shaped by life experiences (usually in childhood) that are written onto our subconscious “hard drive” at an early age. This creates beliefs and emotions around these experiences that we carry with us into adulthood. In short, how we frame experiences early in life is how we respond to similar experiences as adults.
Change is something most people loathe and try to avoid. The subconscious mind likes comfort and pleasure. Its primary purpose is to protect and keep us safe. Change brings uncertainty and risk; two things the subconscious mind tends to dislike. This is why when we want to consciously change something about ourselves, we find it exceedingly difficult. The subconscious mind is wired to override the desires of the conscious mind. It does this for reasons of survival and protection. When the conscious mind and the subconscious mind conflict, the subconscious mind always wins.
The good news is that we do have the ability to make the changes we want to make. The trick, is understanding the “how”. Knowing the subconscious mind is where experiences, beliefs and emotions live, we realize we have to go there to affect change. The subconscious does not have the ability to distinguish time. It can only operate in the present moment. Why is this critical? Because change has to happen in the present moment, too.

Ever heard the phrase “The future is now.”? When we give this mantra some thought it becomes very clear. For example, if I decide to stop smoking and decide I’ll quit next week (in the future), I will continue to be a smoker until next week and will still be a smoker next week when it’s “time” to quit. On the other hand, if I decide to quit smoking right now, I immediately become a non-smoker. I’ll be a non-smoker tomorrow and also next week when I was planning to quit.
Because the subconscious mind operates in the present and change needs to take place in the present, hypnotherapy can give us direct access to the now. It plugs us directly into the subconscious mind to drive the necessary changes we want to make. This is because hypnosis is also a state of mind that allows us to be tuned into the present moment. Change is hard. The solution is easy. It’s about deciding to take action now! If you need a nudge to make the changes you want to make, hypnotherapy may be the path to your goals by turning your now into your future.
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